Thursday, March 3, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
New blog
Sunday, January 16, 2011
So this is why I am screaming!!!! I cannot get my new blog to accept a background! I am going BONKERS over here! I don't want to pay someone to do it because the blog doesn't make me money and I already spend waaaaayyyy too much on my crafting! SO sorry my blog friends I just had to vent some. OH and I will let you know the new blog as soon as it is available!
Thanks for listening!!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
New Year and I am going to do this Blog thing right.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What I would LOVE for Christmas!

My husband and I met some good friends at a bowling alley a month or so ago. My friend Thunderbird (no not her real name, just a nickname) had this AMAZING purse made out of her hubby's old uniform. I fell IN LOVE!!!! It is so cute with the green and the fabric that she picked out to match it. I had to have one, so I asked her where she got her fantastic, wonderfully adorable bag. She informed me that she ordered of off
As soon as I got home I pulled up said website and admired all of the purses. What I love about this business is that is an Army wife owned business. I am all for helping out another Army spouse, keeping it in the family I guess you could say.
You can send in your husband's uniform, they pick it apart and sew it back together as a purse! So now whenever he is gone I can still have a piece of my 'hero'. Such a wonderful idea!!!
Monday, October 18, 2010
What I have been working on
I bought a ribbon necklace kit on clearance that had like a silvery purple, this blue, and another purple color with it. I also bought the birdy on clearance too and some attached the ribbon clasps and some chain. What I love about this is that if I want to use another ribbon with the bird it is SOOOOOO easy to change it out.
I am also making a 'Sugar n Spice' baby shower present, but that is about all I have worked on in the past couple of weeks. Kudos for all the single moms who can juggle crafting with their life! I do not know how you do it! Tips would be greatly appreciated!!!! Happy Crafting!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Confessions of a lonely army wife...

I would just like to take this time to really express how I feel. Being an Army spouse is the hardest job in the military. Sure the soldiers are the ones that have to endure the fighting and dangerous stuff. But really, its the spouses who have it rough. I have to continue with day to day life without my husband here to help me. I get double diaper duty, cleaning (which is not only making sure my list is done but I also have to make sure his gets done too), I have to play mother and father, I don't get a chance to be the good guy I have to be the one always saying no. Even with the taking care of kids and keeping up the house and all there is another factor no one else sees.
I miss my husband so much when he leaves, that it physically hurts. There are times that I lock myself in my room for a few minutes and just bawl. I do this so that my kids do not see that mommy is crying. I do not want to upset them more than what they already must be feeling. I have to be the strong one right? Daytime is not so bad I have the kids to keep me busy and luckily I have a very understanding sister who lets me call her a million times and day just because I am bored. After the kids go to be it is a different story, the time between bedtime for kids and bedtime for me seems to drag on. That is usually myself and my hubby's alone time, since having three boys takes most of our attention. So instead of watching TV together, I watch TV alone. Which isn't all THAT bad since I get to watch whatever I want! Then bedtime for me comes along.

I sleep in his tshirts... believe me I do ANYTHING to make it seem like he is there at night.
I wake up in the middle of the night and realize he is not sleeping next to me. Every bump and noise I hear in the house scares me. I now do not have my tough Army man to go check out sounds.
I went through my kids' toy boxes and threw away broken, toys that are not used anymore.
I thoroughly cleaned my bathroom. (HUGE accomplishment since I HATE cleaning bathrooms)
I cleaned off my mess of a kitchen counter.
I finally got started on a 'Sugar n Spice' baby shower present I have had in the works.
I have also been doing a little crafting too. I made some 'BOO' letters for my mantle and also cut out like 50 bats to put in my window for decoration. I will take pictures of the 'BOO' letters tomorrow since the light is not the best in here. Thanks for letting me vent a little.